Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Humans and their cats.
Humans driving cars.
Humans and chickpeas make hummus.

Man is
Navigating the
Set sail for gold, spices or silver.
Boats rock. (eat pun)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Time To Take Some Callers

Griff from Belmar on the phone: "That stuff is sweet and red".

Thank you, Griff. That was an awesome comment.

It Saddens Me...

It saddens me that Debra Messing does not get the credit she deserves. I do not care about her acting skill but that face could melt an iceberg. Which brings me to my theory that the lack of respect towards Debra Messing caused the Titanic to sink.

Which brings me to this...if you do not hear a beautiful flute sound every time you think of the Titanic, you are heartless. You are worse than heartless, you have disrespected Celine Dion. Although she did not write the theme song to the movie Titanic, it is not nice to be mean to her.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wonderful Things

You would be surprised if you saw my face. I look exactly like Jimmy Buffet's wife.


Dearly beloved,
we are gathered together
on the Internet
because face to face communication
scares humans.

Most dating should be done in chat rooms with parental supervision...regardless of your age.

Do not bring that dirt into my chat room, my chat room is where cyber playas go to find love but only if the waves are tame at the playa.

Leave your speedos and butt stringers at home, trust me, my mental picture of your butt is probably more flattering than the real thing.

Always and forever,
the little man behind the screen.

Please do not feed the animals they have been naughty and need to be punished.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


What more can I say?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hello August

The sun sat brightly
I felt small jumps of wind
The mercury got up to 88
Later if will fall to 66
and Kelvin
But we do not do Kelvin
is who we are
the world
One nation
Under Sun
Here is the new order