Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This Just In

Sometimes, it feels good to scream. To scream into nothingness, at the top of one or both lungs, let it out. It is primal. It is natural.

Be(e) nice to bees. They won't bother you for the most part.

Horseflies have a nasty sting, they have sharp fangs. Ouch.

There was a spider in my car the other day! His name was Kevin. I decided to let him hangout. I do not condone killing little spiders, they eat the bugs. But, little Kevin left me a big web in my car the next morning. I finally found him and politely escorted him back to nature. I wonder if that web was a sign of love. Love between humans and spiders. Love for the universe.

I honestly believe that I could snap a coyotes neck, maybe even a cougar (the animal variety, not the well-aged lady). I would only do that if the situation fell under my umbrella of coyote/cougar killing reasons. Reasons: If the animal is rabid or putting a loved one or myself in danger. I think it goes with out saying that I would first punch it in the face to see if it backs off.

Sometimes, the manliest thing is the least manly. It is good to be domesticated, to be organized, to be neat, to be sensitive, to be sweet and to be awesome.
Awesome is not a state of mind but a state of action.

Monday, June 28, 2010

If You Have Not...

If you haven't heard....it is summer, summer, summer. Take the time to enjoy the sun (and even the moon). Take some time to enjoy yourself and others. Learn a new skill.

It's fun to teach yourself things.

This summer I am learning two things.
1. To play soccer. It is good exercise and if you don't like running it's a good choice for you because you won't even notice that you're running.

2. How to throw a knuckleball. Why? Because it's different and I feel like it!

I encourage all of you to learn something new while in the outdoors.

Peace, love and burgers.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Corner Beat Town 5

The fourth of July is approaching and that reminds of one of the more memorable ones I have been apart of. I remember down at the bar, a couple of young broads walked in the place. One orders a cranberry and vodka while the other gets some sort of margarita (you're actually supposed to stir them, not shake them...sorry Mr. Bond). (Even though you may have taken 'roids, Mr. Bonds, I always thought you were a great player.)
Anyways, these two ladies take a seat somewhere in the corner, under the new flat screen (new at the time) and sip on the adult drinks. The one with the vodka looked like Cameron Diaz and Albert Einstein had a baby. I'm talking flowing blond hair wiggling all over the place, crooked glasses but in all due respect, that girl had some kind of backside, so good that Bode Miller would forgo his morning drinks to ski down it. The other one, with the margarita, had wild dark hair, a slender build and a look on her face that said "you can talk to me but it isn't going anywhere you want". Not that she was a be-eye-tee-see-ache, but you know the type, pretty and tired of tired lines. The other girl wasn't bad herself, she had a more friendly glow to her but the type that might scorch you if you touch her the wrong way. I think it goes without saying that these weren't the type of girls that you go up to and spit the random, fraternity, bullfrog jive.
Stuff like that will stop most men, but not our plucky bartender Drake "Bull Frog" (I am sure you can figure out how he got his nickname) Fernandez. This cat goes up to the sexier of the two (he was not on shift that night) spits some bullfrog garbage about how he plays pro-baseball (surprisingly, that line worked a lot for him) and drops the simple line of "can I buy you a drink?". Subtle but lame, I suppose. Home girl looks at him, stoically, and coolly sways her head to the left as to say "you should probably leave, buddy" and goes back to the business she was attending.
Defeated and limp, Bullfrog Fernandez walks away with a spunkless gait and mumbles "so cold" to a decibel level to which he believed was audible only to himself. He was wrong, and the black hair girl, lioness in motion, creeps up behind, taps him on the left delt and as he looks, she finishes her drink and throws the icy remnants in his face and says "Who's cold now, (insert clever explicit). Me and the crew at the bar just broke up about the place. It actually turned into a game called the "Bullfrog freeze" in which a person would sneak up another person and throw ice at their face.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Last..

The last thing I said: No ants in my pants, just poopies.

Is it that difficult to put your blinker (turn signal) on?

If you put your blinker on in the midst of turning, well, it defeats the purpose.

If you throw a spear in the ocean, well, it defeats the porpoise.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I am going to a carnival I will see...
1. Hoop games
2. Sugary treats
3. Rides that look they do not make state regulations
4. Sweet lemon drink
5. Sweet orange drink
6. Awe, heck yeah, popcorn!
7.Cotton candy!
8. Prizes!
9. Children having fun
10. Ladies discussing the news

I would like to go to the boardwalk
The ride will take two hours
Fill up the car with gas
Make a sweet mix tape
Skin protecting cream is a must
Parking can be tough
Traffic can be tougher
Turn up the volume, I like this song
How close are we?
Almost there
Ladies in swimsuits
Awome gift shop
A clever t-shirt
A must-wear
Right now
Awesome guy
In the trendy beach sweatshirt
What a day
Did you eat dinner?
Sausage and peppers, ice cream cone, big man soda
I am stuffed
Good thing I didn't burn
I love the game with the darts and balloons
Five prizes to bring home
Oh bummer
Time to go home
What a fun day at the beach!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Try These...

I, for one, am so tired of cliches and overly used sayings.
Some examples...skating on thin ice, thrown under the bus, and that is all I can think off the top of my head (yes, I just used a cliche, what, what!).

Try out some of these new sayings that me and my colleagues have been working on...

Let's tackle that horse when we get to it.

There are two sides to every pony.

Do not be hostile or your potato will be mashed.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Today, as I was partly inspired by the World Cup, partly by fitness and partly by new things, I played soccer. I found out the hard way that I am able to put some curve on the ball. Boom!, what looked like a straight shot went dead right and shattered a living room window of my house! I was about 20 feet away but somehow, someway (Snoop Dogg, what what!) got some shards stuck in my hand. Was it a powerful kick or an old window?

Other acts of wreckage....
In 2003, while riding a lawnmower of the ride-on variety, I found myself stuck in a mud pit for three hours.

In the 6th grade, while getting ready for baseball, I threw a wild pitch right through the glass protection of the gas meter!

For some reason, a few months ago, I flipped a chair over in my room, then it bounced on my bed and then through the wall.

Back in 2007, while in college, I thought it would be funny to put a firecracker in the toilette. The toilette was never the same afterwards. Those things do not work well with a hole in the bottom.

In 2004 I tried to jump over some bushes, the try was a fail and I landed headfirst on the concrete. I awoke to find strangle men strapping me to a wooden board and driving me away.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What Day is Today?

Today is Father's Day! (Full House reference!)

I do believe this day is a gimmick, to an extent, for companies to make extra dollars, almost like a scam.

I do believe we should take time to celebrate fathers, or father figures.

As a rebuttal to my gimmick statement, the first Daddy's Day was believed to be celebrated in 1910 as a compliment to Mother's Day. Times were different then and it was probably not a day intended for businesses to money grub.

Father's Day really is not a scam, it is a nice excuse to go to ball game, have an extra beer and get fries with that hot dog/hamburger!

Gift Ideas (you should have gotten your gift already!)
1. Necktie- classic gift
2. Beer- well, duh!
3. Grill Accessories- You can't spell grill without "Hey dad, I love it when you grill".

Saturday, June 19, 2010

We Say Hey

Hello. Hey. Hi.

To me, "cya" does not make sense. C-ya makes sense. Long live the hyphen.

Do not confuse a hyphen with a dash.

I love the hyphen.
It keeps me fighting.
Grammar and grandmas,
yes and nah.
Throw out the trash,
100 meters for a dash.
Women or men,
both love the hyphen.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is There Something Funny?

Herpetology- No, it is not the study of cold sores or sores in general! Herpetology is a branch of zoology that studies amphibians and reptiles.

Antonio Bastardo- A professional baseball player who pitches for the Philadelphia Phillies (as of June 13, 2010).

Nick Toon- A college wide reciever who plays for the Wisconsin Badgers (as of June 13, 2010).

Nicktoons- Animated children cartoons on the Nickelodeon television network.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Why, when calling somebody back from a missed call, do we always say "did you just call me"? Sure, sometimes pants and butts make calls, but that does not happen all that much.

Dear pedestrian,
There is no need to thank me when I stop at a crosswalk for you. I am simply following the law. It is nice of you to thank a person but at times I feel we give too much credit away for doing what is right/expected.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Do...Do Not...Doodoo

Do not be embarrassed if you are male and enjoy watching The View.
Do try to do something nice everyday (holding the door for somebody counts).

If you see trash on the ground, pick it up (Mother Nature will notice and boy, that lady is smoking!).

If you are unsure, question everything, we all have the right to be informed.

Do not give police officers attitude, all that does is give them more reason to ticket you.

Do not go to the tanning salon...it is awful for your health and that orange look is ridiculous.

If you have to go, just go. It does not matter where you are. Everybody makes poop.

If you see somebody being beat up, or robbed, do something! You do not have to jump in and act like a vigilante, you can just call 911.

Alexander Hamilton was not a president.

Kalamata is a region in Greece, it is most noted for its production of olives and olive oil.

Monday, June 7, 2010


When you are in the left lane(the fast lane) on a highway and somebody behind you flashes their brights, it means please speed up, or get out of the lane so I can legally pass you. It really is a polite way to get your point across. Passing a car illegally is dangerous and (wait for it..) illegal.
On the other hand, if the driver holds their brights on you, well, they are acting like a jerk. But if the lights are flashed briefly, please speed up or get out of the way. Do not slow down and brake check the driver and do not wait for the driver to get in front of you and hold your brights on them! Flashed brights is a polite signal.


I made a comment about the oil spill in the Gulf and said there was a lack of progress. There is progress being made and BP is doing all they can. I do believe that nobody wants the oil spill to be over more than BP does. The reasons they have may not be as "genuine" as your average working class person. For more coverage on this go to www.cnn.com or any news site for that matter.

Raps, Rhymes and Love?

You can eat a pear but you need two for a pair.

The oil spill in the Gulf is a royal disaster and the lack of progress is beginning to roil me.

I wrote down the answers, though I could not explain them well because I knew them only by rote.

Put your clock back in your plants.

I'm number one,
call me Kobe.
Being at the top,
it gets lonely.
Step back,
take the three.
Got guns in my locker,
I'm an original G.
I got swagger,
I'll take a chance,
better received than The Legend of Bagger Vance.
No golf here,
hitting shots from the upper tier.
Nose bleed seats,
still $45.99,
that's not cheap.
My foot on bodies,
top of the heap.
Laced with the golden gene,
pointing a knife at your wife,
call me Charlie Sheen.

I'm Calling It...

The next new law that will cause some buzz is going to be a law against cyclists (bike riders) from riding and using their cell phone (at the same time!) . I predict within the next three years this law will be widespread. Apparently, California is trying to pass a law like this. (Check it out at www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/09-10/bill/sen/sb_1451-1500/sb_1475_bill_20100219_introduced.html
A few days ago I almost hit a bike rider because he swerved in the middle of the road. He was texting and on a main road. I am all for sharing the road but deep inside (more like on the surface) I wanted to hit that guy with my car. Bike ride on that, buddy!
On another note, cycling is a great form of exercise. I encourage anybody to do it, maybe even use it instead of your car when practical. Make sure you pay attention to cars and they will pay attention to you, that way there will be no problem!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Well Well Well...

Well water
Watering hole
Hole in one
One time
Tea time
Tee time
General Lee
Generally speaking
Speaking English
English muffin
Ear muffs
Ear infection
Infectious laughter
Laugh out loud
Out of sugar
Brown sugar
Brown headed cowbird
Larry Bird
Draining threes
Water drain
Well water